Flights to Crete
On this page you will find some links to airlines operating direct flights, or with intermediate stops to the Crete airports Nikos Katsantsakis (HER) in Heraklion and Ioannis Daskalogiannis (CHQ) in Chanià.
Aegean Airlines is the first Greek airline by passenger volume and by number of destinations served.
Olympic Airlines is another Greek airline that mainly operates on domestic routes connecting Heraklion, Chanià and Sitia (Vitsentzos Kornaros JHS - the third airport of Crete) to Athens and Thessaloniki.
Eurowings is the low-cost airline from the Lufthansa Group and specialises in low-cost direct flights within Europe and from the locations Düsseldorf, Frankfurt and Munich to attractive long-haul destinations.
.... and we conclude with links to companies that include in their destinations Athens, Thessaloniki and other Greek locations.